June 20, 2009







亲爱的爸爸,祝你父亲节快乐。愿你的手牵着妈妈的手直到永远。Daddy, I love you...


June 09, 2009


心情灰灰的, 很不喜欢这种感觉。

我期待橘色的心情... 极度需要。


May 30, 2009

Malaysia Public Holidays & Sarawak State Holidays 2009

I want to post this since early this year in January, somehow I just too busy till I had forgotten it. Am I that busy? Yeah... act to be busy since everybody loves to say they are busy when they forgot to do something.
Definitely, I want to tell everybody that I truly Iove the year of 2009, one of the main reason is the public holidays and state holidays for this year is just too perfect for me. Huhh!! Almost all the holidays are linked to the weekends, so I can enjoy longer holiday. I work 5 days per week, off Saturday & Sunday. If any public holiday falls on Saturday, I won't lost anything as I will have another day of annual leave added automatically to my annual leave account.

Let's see how perfect is the holidays for 2009.

1/1 New Year (Thursday) - I took 1 day leave on 2/1, hence I have 4 days off.
26/1-27/1 Chinese New Year (Mon-Tue) - linked to weekend :) off 4 days, took another 3 days leave can enjoy 1 whole week of CNY.

9/3 Prophet Mohammad's Bday (Mon)- linked to weekend, off 3 days.

10/4 Good Friday (Fri) - linked to weekend, off 3 days.

1/5 Labour Day (Fri)- linked to weekend, off 3 days.
9/5 Wesak Day (Sat) - added 1 day annual leave :)

1/6 & 2/6 Gawai Festival (Mon & Tue) - linked to weekend, off 4 days.
6/6 Agong's Bday (Sat) - add 1 day annual leave.. hohoho!!

31/8 National Day (Mon) - linked to weekend, off 3 days.

12/9 S'wak TYT's Bday (Sat) - add 1 day annual leave.
20/9 & 21/9 Hari Raya Puasa (Sun & Mon) - Sunday replacement on Tuesday, off 4 days.

27/11 Hari Raya Haji (Fri) - linked to weekend, off 3 days.

18/12 Awal Muharram (Fri) - linked to weekend, off 3 days.
25/12 Christmas Day (Fri) - linked to weekend, off 3 days.

Last credict is 1/1/2010 is on the Friday. So good! I am starting to enjoy my 4 days Gawai Festive holiday now, do not envy me if you are not Sarawakian!

"Gaya Guru Gerai Nyamai" to all my Dayak friends.

May 28, 2009

Kriss Allen

He is the new born 8th season American Idol.
He is Kriss Allen from Arkansas, America.
He is 23 years old newly married student.
He is devout Christian and a worship leader in his church.
He is talent in writing and arranging songs.
He is mellow and claimed himself as a man with not much words.
He has low key with next-door-boy image.
He doesn't know who am I but I know that I admire him.

I just simply love the winner's song, "No Boundaries" that he sang during the final battle with Adam Lambert.

Click here to listen. Isn't it very nice?
No boundaries, between You and me... I pray so!

May 23, 2009


如果我真的曾经让任何一个人觉得我很难亲近、我很骄傲、我很冷酷... 非常抱歉,那真的是我的无心之过。在中学到大学时期,我常常给人的第一个印象是我很傲慢,很冷酷,一副很串又自命不凡的模样... 尤其是到了一个新的环境,当大多数的人还是对我陌生时,我就很容易被人产生这种感觉,不是感觉,应该是错觉。冤枉啊!!我一定要极力申冤,事实有时候并不是真实。




是不是很烂?我看了都有点傻眼!我真的那么糟糕吗?还是他夸张了?? 再看看他接下来对我的评语。

但是,随着时间的流逝,我发现我彻底错了,我对你认识加深时,才发现你的好。坦白告诉你吧!你如今在我和大家的心目中的印象是个乐于助人,心地善良和善解人意的好女孩。认识你我真的是今生无悔,我觉得你很cute, 说话的表情很有趣。可是,你还是有点酷,可能这是你天生的特质吧!.......



P/S: 这张太阳花的照片和这个主题有关系吗?答案是:没有!硬要掰,就只能说这照片是我拍的,还有我很爱太阳花。(^_^)

May 11, 2009


谢谢每一个记得我生日或不记得我生日的朋友。谢谢你们的生日祝福,不管是通过facebook, sms, mms, msn, skype, 电邮,面对面,卡片和礼物的大大小小祝福,早到的,准时到的或是迟到的都好,我都收到了。真的谢谢你们,我很感动,我爱你们。

May 07, 2009

25 facts about Me

  1. I am God’s princess; my name is Rebecca and ppl used to call me Becky, Becca, Beck or Reb. I don’t really like to be tagged as Reb, unfortunately ppl who call me Reb are those big bosses from top management which I hardly ask them to change.
  2. I studied science but never dream to be a scientist. I am a Food Technologist but if truth be told I wish I am an Accountant.
  3. I love white colour, hence I have a lot of white shirts/blouses; I have 2 white babies- my white car (大白)and my white laptop (小白).
  4. I was in a relationship before and turned to be single and available now. I am looking for my Isaac, a man who loves me because of who I am not what I have.
  5. I love my 43 kg bony figure, yet a lot of ppl commented I am too skinny. Attention!! I am actually 2kg heavier than Jolin Tsai (蔡依林).
  6. I love to eat fish very much, I think a cat doesn’t love fish like how I love it. This has contributed me to have perfect eyesight. On the other hand, I hate French fries very much, thus I rarely order Fish & Chip.
  7. I am Sarawakian, but I do not like Sarawak Kolo Mee which most of the Sarawakian love it enormously. Most of the time you will see me ordering Kueh-Tiao or Meehun.
  8. I am a big fan of pork leg especially with thick fat. Mouth-watering when I thought of it, I eat pork leg’s skin since I was 5 (so geli, rite?), currently behave a bit and am trying my best to avoid it as it clogged my arteries and my cholesterol level had exceeded the healthy limit. Goshh!!
  9. I love traveling and I am a budget backpacker traveler. I have created my backpacker memories by traveling to Singapore, Bali, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, China, Bangkok, Ho Chih Minh City, Hanoi etc. In no way you can consider traveling with me if you have categorized yourself as luxury traveler.
  10. I am an idle blogger, therefore I do not have a fascinating blog. Sorry to all my readers.
  11. Before 20 years old, 100% of ppl without any objection said that I was exactly looked like my mom. After 20 years old, a lot of ppl claimed that I am in reality look like my dad. What do you think?
  12. I love music. I love Jazz, R & B, soft rock… Sorry to inform that I dislike heavy metal music. I have strong aesthetic taste and enjoying art.
  13. I cannot take coffee based drinks, it will efficiently stimulate my brain, and I will be sleepless for whole night without doubt. Hence, you hardly ever find me lepak at places like Starbuck or Coffee Bean. However, occasionally you still will find me sipping fruit juice there with a gang of coffee lovers.
  14. Strepsils is my good friend who follows me wherever I go. My throat is supersensitive, I need to swallow Strepsils after taking deep fried or heaty food, otherwise I guarantee will get sore throat within few hours.
  15. I love kids. I pray that God will grant me 3 children in future, it will be perfect if 2 of them are twins.
  16. I do not fear of insects; do not expect I will scream or jump when I see a cockroach, lizard, etc. I killed lizards before! Anyway, what to proud of? It is only a lizard, man… yeah, not Godzilla!
  17. I didn’t eat egg yolk till I reached 21 years old. Even after 21, I can only accept fried egg yolk (not boiled egg yolk) which I need to swallow together with the egg white, if egg yolk alone. Yuckkk… it will stuck in my throat.
  18. My dialect is Hakka, beside Hakka I converse well in Hokkien & Cantonese, “half-pail-water” of Teochew (my mom speaks Teochew though she is Hakka) and little bit of Foochow (forced to learn to understand Foochow as I was surrounded by Foochow colleagues in my ex-company). I do speak Bahasa Sarawak, the local Sarawak Malay dialect as I spent time with a lot of Malay when I stayed in government quarters during my childhood time.
  19. I am a typical gal who loves shopping very much. My best shopping companion is my sister; we can shop from 10am-10pm, from 1 shopping complex to another shopping complex. Funny eh? If you ask us to jog for more than 30 minutes, we are like totally exhausted. When talk about shopping, we are energetic.
  20. Sometime I feel I am too sentimental, I am easily touched and emotionally influenced by words. However, I am slowly transformed myself to be more sensible and realistic. Yeah, there were too many experiences which had grown and brought me into another phase of life.
  21. My nickname is fish, yet I don’t know how to swim, what a shame! Frankly, I scare of water, this is generally because I have a horror memory which happened when I was 10 years old, I nearly drowned in the deep sea, but God saved me by sending a stranger to pull me up in time. I absolutely hoping that I can fill in ‘swimming’ as one of my hobbies in future.
  22. When I examine a guy, the first thing I see is his fingers.
  23. I have a track record of eating 13 pieces of chicken (not including other side dishes)in Hartz Chiken Buffet, but this had became history record as my consumption power has gradually reduced these years especially I started to have gastric. Do not challenge me to eat buffet now, I surrender!
  24. One of my aims for this year onwards is to eat less meat, I hope I can be 70-80% vegetarian. Seriously, I am going toward this goal, do remind me if you see me eating too much meat, I know the early translation period would be tough as I used to be a carnivore in past.
  25. I know I am imperfect but I believe God changes thing.

May 02, 2009

喜欢吹风的感觉 虽然有点冷 喜欢风吹的感觉 让视线有点模糊

风真能带走伤感 吹走忧愁吗? 她不并晓得


April 26, 2009


因为这一则广告,我又敢敢豁出去了。本来已经答应自己,除非是出门入住酒店有提供buffet早餐,我真的不可以让自己去吃buffet了,因为每一次自己花钱去吃,没有吃到饱到不能再饱,就觉得很不对劲。我的胃真的没有办法承受饱过度的那种负荷,可是美食当前,我进退两难。这一次三川楼推出了All you can eat ala-carte dimsum, 24种菜式点心任点任吃。结果,我还是赴约了,三个女一起大吃大喝。
我们去到时好多人哦!我们是到那种要wait to be seated的状况,这种情形在古晋真的很少见。我还以为我在新加坡。拿了号码之后,很快就轮到我们了,因为我们不介意跟别人搭桌,所以很快。24种菜式点心,我们是看都不看的那种,就每一样点2 paxes。以为要等很久,结果我们的却很快就到了,开动了。


April 21, 2009









April 15, 2009

一炮而红——Susan Boyle

Susan Boyle 本来是一个平凡又陌生的名字,没有多少人认识她。她长得不怎么样,她有学习障碍,她现在是失业人士,目前是某教堂的义工,她已经47岁,未婚。

在上个星期,一场Britain's Got Talent 的歌唱比赛,一首 'I Dreamed A Dream' 让之前完全不看好她的观众和评审个个拍案叫绝,也让她在一夜成名,有多么不可思议。她在比赛时录下的片段被上载到youtube, 经创下几十万的点记率。各大媒体争着要访问她,连The Oprah Winfrey Show也邀请她做访问。



April 02, 2009

Kurma Chicken

I cooked this kurma chicken a couple days ago and it was my first time to try to cook this dish, luckily it tasted not bad at all. The only thing I need to take note is I might need to reduce the water to make the soup more concentrated and I believe it will taste nicer. I will try again next time.

It is not hard to cook this kurma chicken and the ingredients needed is also very easy to find, trust me!! Everyone can cook it without fail.

Main ingredients:
1. Chicken - 500 gm
2. Kurma Chicken Mix - 1 packet (40g) - recommend Maggie brand
3. Potato - 200 gm
4. Coconut milk - 150 ml
5. Sliced onion - 200 gm

Other ingredients (optional):
1. Ladies fingers - as needed
2. Tomato - as needed

1. Heat 5 table spoon oil and stir-fry the sliced onion.
2. Add Kurma Chiken Mix (pre-mixed with 3 table spoon water) and fry until aromatic.
3. Add 500g chicken pieces, potato halves and other ingredients with 2 cups of water and slimmer for 20 minutes.
4. Add in the thick coconut milk and slimmer for another 1 minutes.

That's it.

March 30, 2009


明明知道那是深不可测的无底洞 却义无反顾往掉入深渊 摔得粉身碎骨 得不到一丝一点的同情 只有别人投来鄙视的眼光。。。


March 29, 2009

BBQ 烧烤会

好久没有BBQ了,因为猪美女刚好又回来古晋度假几天,SP和小妹就召集我们去他们家BBQ. 我是带着喉咙痛刚刚痊愈,还在咳嗽的状态下赴约。没错,我又不小心病倒了,在去新加坡公干的整个星期,我差点就要失声。可是,我有进步了,因为我这次没有去看医生,也没有吃antibiotic,只是吃了很多Vitamin C,Strepsils, 枇杷膏和各式各样的凉茶,就这样病好了。Thanks God!

如果你问我吃了那么多BBQ烧烤有没有让我的病情恶化?答案是没有,因为我很小心照顾我那super sensitive的喉咙。那晚天不作美,竟然下起细细的雨,我们只能把BBQ的地点从原本计划在SP豪宅的天台改到他们家的车房。
BBQ就等于肉食大餐,我们当晚都化身为和狮子没有两样的carnivore, 好恐怖。看她们完全不顾形象,拼命撕裂肉块。

March 21, 2009

Shopping in OneTJ

我对电子产品的兴趣没有很大,所以逛电子产品购物城不是我的兴趣。我在KL念书几年只去过两次Low Yat Plaza,和两次在PWTC举办的PC Fair,都是因为刚好真的有东西要买才去,而我没有很成功培养到去电子购物城或PC Fair window shopping的兴趣。

老实说,我在古晋从来没有去过PC Fair,不要觉得不可思议,这是千真万确的。OneTJ 是古晋唯一的电子购物城,我去过的次数比去Low Yat Plaza的还多一次。这算是进步,因为OneTJ才开了几个月罢了,我就已经创了3次的记录。而且第一次去真的纯粹window shopping, 真的有进步。最近一次去是因为OneTJ有举办电脑促销,我就趁机去扫货。不要以为买电脑或电子产品是男人的专利。我觉得我也不赖,短短半小时,这是我的战利品。

1. Notebook Bag - RM99.00 我还是喜欢背包式的。
2. Samsung LCD Monitor - 20" RM459 我需要更广的视野。

3. Head Phone - RM36.00
4. Nokia Handphone - RM135, 我的secondary handphone (大家都流行拿两粒手机)宣告死亡,最近钱包缩水,只能买这种便宜的手机先顶一下。可怜!

March 18, 2009

Joanna 王若琳


我是后知后觉的,去年1月当王若琳推出她的第一张专辑《Let's start from here》,我其实没有太多注意到她,真正爱上她反而是相隔一年之后的同名专辑《Joanna & 王若琳》。然而,当我重新听 let's start from here 这首歌,我好爱好爱。


March 09, 2009

着迷于Tanjung Aru的夕阳


Tanjung Aru的夕阳还是一样迷人,还是一样扣人心悬,还是一样让我如痴如醉。我只想要几分钟,让我好好陶醉在这样美丽的日落景色当中。那一天,天空的云好美好绚丽,长长的就好象流星般滑过天际,让我舍不得把目光移开,一直抬头仰望天空。望着望着,发现幸福离我愈来愈近。如果爱的极限是天空,如此遥不可及让人没有办发伸手触摸,那我只能不停仰望。




March 06, 2009

T-shirt Design Competition

The T-shirt design competition is the first activity for blessed young adult in the year of 2009. We had a fun and amusing T-Shirt Competition on this Thursday night in our Church.

This is our group’s T-shirt.

Our group- The Truthful, The Favoured.
I intensely feel that most of the young adults in Blessed Church are just like typical Singaporean/Malaysian as we are all experts in ‘last minute work’ & the most important is we are all kiasu. Yeah! We candidly admit it.
Our Pastor was very kind of giving us something like 3 months to prepare for it as he considered we need time for brainstorming, designing, choosing the t-shirt material, find the printing factory, printing, choosing models, practicing the catwalks etc, moreover we only manage to meet each other once a week during the cell group gathering. However, along these 3 months, apparently we were more concerned of celebrating Christmas, New Year, Chinese New Year, Valentine’s Day & other activities, we almost forgot we have a T-shirt competition until it was reminded by Pastor 2 weeks before the competition. We were certainly practicing the last minute creativeness and it only took us less than 10 days to complete everything. Yup, everything from brainstorming till performing in the event, it was all last minute works yet it turned up with a lot of surprises. Thanks God!
How kiasu we were? Well… When come to any competition, we will keep our mouths zipped; nobody is allowed to spread any single detail to other group members no matter how close you are with that fellow. Everybody will kill their brain cells to come up with outstanding ideas and hoping to win the judge’s heart.
Here are some pictures to share. Pictures are curi-ed from Jackie & Alan.

Did we win any prizes? We were not the best, we only grabbed the 2nd prize for male model and 2nd prize of group performance.

Anybody interested in buying our T-shirt? We use different languages to indicate the word of ‘Truthful/Honest’ which is our group’s name. I think it is very appropriate to wear to work if your company doesn’t require you to wear formal attire. I think your boss will like you very much as you are telling him/her you are an honest person in 26 different languages. Sound cool, right?

February 22, 2009



妹妹结婚我的感动比见证其他人的婚礼还更深,她是我们家第一位出家的女儿,我其实可以看见爸爸和妈妈脸上真情流露的感动。我以为妈妈会感动到落泪,可是她却出乎预料表现得坚强。妹妹出嫁,我知道妈妈一定非常不习惯,因为她是长时间在家住的女儿。 我相信不只妈妈,我们全部都会很不习惯。


SP § Daphnie,愿你们新婚愉快,一辈子都沐浴在幸福快乐之中。

February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day





上帝说:爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈;爱是不嫉妒;爱是不自夸,不张狂,不做害羞的事,不求自己的益处,不轻易发怒,不计算人的恶,不喜欢不义,只喜欢真理;凡事包容,凡事相信;凡事盼望,凡事忍耐,爱是永不止息。(哥林多前书 13:4-7)

祝福大家情人节快乐!Jesus loves you & so do I... (^_^)


February 09, 2009




1. 我初一开始生病到元宵节,最恐怖的是事到如今我竟然还没有痊愈。>_<

2. 我在过年期间去了5次的诊所,有我被人载去看病,有我载人去看病,也有我自己载自己去看病。

3. 我喝少过200ml的汽水,我去拜年不是喝白开水就是喝茶。

4. 我尝试做以为很有把握的cheese cake,结果是宣布失败!更失败的是根本不知道失败的原因是什么。Conclusion是好失败的一个Food Technologist。

5. 我今年只收到5个红包,好少!:'( 数量比去年少,可是$比去年多,有点小安慰。全部都拿去奉献了,相信上帝会加倍祝福我。

6. 我今年初八才开工,这是历年来休息最久的一次。拿annual leave当sick leave用,悲哀!

7. 我只吃了一粒红柑,并不是我害怕在网上流传的红柑有虫事件,乃是我本来就不是红柑的‘粉丝’。

8. 我今年没有去戏院看任何一部贺岁电影。

9. 在经济不景气的情况,老板还是在过年前3天发了花红给我们,很满足。让我可以包个大红包给我的父母。

10. 我发现了不为人知的秘密,不能说的秘密。。。


‘ 春节过了,请停下来回头看一看,神的恩典一路相伴,闭上眼睛用心去感觉神的爱从不曾离开。抬起头你将发现乌云背后还是蓝天, 每一次跌倒站起来要更刚强,相信不论明天如何,神的恩典够你用,神的应许从不离开,新的一年里常与神同在。。。祝元宵节快乐’

Happy Chap Goh Meh...

February 05, 2009

I feel...

Sad, cheerless, heartbreaking, gloomy, distressing, somber, dismal, painful, throbbing, tear-jerking…

Dear Father God,
Every day I tell You, I am grateful. I tell You that I will trust, that I will not fear, that I will rest in Your love.
Then why, do I run, and quake, and seek answers where there are none?
I say I fear of darkness but more often I hide from Your light which I know it can sustain me...Help me Lord! I need You.

January 31, 2009







January 26, 2009



我的家人:谢谢爸爸妈妈养育了这样的一个我。在这特殊的日子里, 所有的祝福都带着我们的爱,愿这爱弥漫我们家的每一个角落,感染每一个人。我一直都知道,不管发生什么事,家永远是我最想靠岸的避风港。祝福我的家人一切安好。

我的朋友:感谢你们陪我一同笑过、哭过、疯过、精彩过。。。 但愿新的一年大家都活得更精彩。




January 22, 2009

Online Shopping

No matter my shopping purpose is for CNY, to reward myself for working hard all the while or just because of I cannot resist the great sales. I certainly agree that I am a typical gal who loves shopping very much. After the first phase, second phase, third phase till “N” phase of shopping, I found that the shopping satisfaction is just like infinity, no brake to stop it.

My shopping wave was sustained from common shopping in shopping complex to online shopping and I have had my first experience to purchase apparels through website last week. This is utterly a spanking new experience for me and I was astonished that I have done it. Apart from purchasing Air Asia ticket and hotel booking through website, I have never keen to make any other online purchase which is popular lately particularly among the young generation. Yeah, you can category me as an old-fashioned gal, I don’t mind.

Once I want to purchase something, it would be the greatest if I can see the actual thing, touch it, feel it, and try it… to ensure it’s really fitted me. Hence, I truly cannot accept any web love such as to start a relationship with a man whom I never seen and feel the actual of him.

But, but & but… this initial regulation of mine was void when I have completed my first online purchase and bought 2 blouses which you can view in the pictures below.

Left picture is from seller and the right one is the actual apparel I received. These 2 items cost me RM53 + RM4 of delivery fee by Pos Express. Online shopping is always cheaper than the real market, provided you can take the risk of likelihood to get a product which is not appropriate in size & quality or somewhat different from what you have examined in the pictures.

I know it won’t be the last and the only online barter I made yet more to come. I found it is cool, fun and enjoyable. One very significant thing to clarify, it is only valid for product and not for man.

January 19, 2009


有几次要去坐落在Premier 101,靠近Choice Daily Supermarket的‘中原小馆’,可是每次都遇不到对的时间而一拖再拖。终于在昨天中午时间跟Teresa和Wenny去了。

计划好去吃简单的Brunch,结果来到这里因为没有Ala Carte Menu, 演变成我们吃了一顿比想象中丰富很多的Brunch。本来有意要离开此地到别处找吃,可是我们实在好饿,就决定点菜吃好了。

2。Maimite鸡(去骨)——RM13。Chef's special, 所以就想试试。也是不错吃,有点像宫保鸡丁,淋上不知道什么名堂的酱,不辣。
3。Wenny点的双菇拼盘——RM12。我是mushroom lover, 简直是合我口味。里面还有我很爱的莲藕。

营业时间:11:00am-2:30pm, 5:00pm-10:00pm.

January 16, 2009

Season of Ang Pao

Dong dong qiang… Chinese New Year is approaching. Everyday when I switch on the radio, I listen to the CNY’s songs; when I drove along the road, I saw a lot of red tang-lungs hanging here and there; when I dropped by in any Supermarket to buy something, I saw tones of mandarin oranges and loads of other CNY’s goods. Yup, I am not staying in jungle therefore I cannot isolate myself from these CNY’s atmospheres. Honestly, it has effectively accelerated my mood to look forward this CNY.

During the Christmas season, I mentioned that the second I anticipate the most is the feeling of unwrapping the gift and find out what is enclosed. Towards the Chinese New Year, should I say the thing I foresee the most is the feeling of opening the angpao and discover how much money contained?… Wahaha! Frankly, it was undoubtedly the moment I awaited for during my childhood time and it was my most vital objective to celebrate Chinese New Year.

Nevertheless, when I started to work, this mood has gradually reduced as I happened to receive less than 10 ang-paos per CNY. So pity of me! If I am not mistaken; I got 6 last year… yeah! Only 6! ! I cannot or to be more precise is I don’t want to visualize how is the condition this year since everybody is tighten up their stomachs due to the decisive economy crisis.

Basically, the way of giving out angpao in West Malaysia and East Malaysia is fairly different. I noticed this dissimilarity when I was studying in KL.

In West Malaysia, as long as you are still single & unmarried, you indeed have a right to get an angpao, and you can accept it without any awkwardness. In East Malaysia like Kuching, some families set their specs such as to give angpao only to the children under 12 years old, some with higher tolerance, their target will be below 21 or if you are still a student. Hence, a people like me, more than 21, worked for few years… the probability of getting angpao is approximately equal to zero.

More to the point, in West Malaysia, you are not only entitled to receive an angpao if you are still unmarried, and additionally you can get angpao from any of the married couples if you visit their houses during CNY. Huhhh…how marvelous & amazing! Sorry for my sakai-ness, it might be an ordinary practice in West Malaysia, but it is tremendously exotic in my place. I was told by my coursemate in few years back, if he is sooo good luck to go for visiting during CNY, e.g. from 1st day till 5th day or more, maintain 10 houses per day, he definitely can gain a handsome angpao’s wealth.

In East Malaysia, if you are more than 12 years old, you barely get any angpao from the people who are not your close relatives or not a very close friend of your parents. In West Malaysia, even you are 21, you still can get angpao from your classmate’s mom, from your friend’s mom, from your friend’s friend’s mom, from your friend’s neighbour, from your neighbour’s relative etc… or anybody you might dunno them but he/she is married and you just unintentionally follow your friend’s friend to visit them. All you need to do is just wish them Gong Xi Fa Cai with your biggest grin.

Good or bad? I believe this culture is only advantageous to unmarried populace; it would be a burden to those married couples. Yet it sounds fascinating to me, perhaps I should consider celebrating CNY in West Malaysia once before I get married.

January 14, 2009







p/s 1: 谢谢来自西马半岛的朋友来电关心问候,虽然你们打来都是问我有没有被大水淹没。。。我很好,还没有被淹没。哈哈!
p/s 2: Photos from Edwin Lee

January 09, 2009




在很多人因为这次突然侵袭的金融风暴而失业,我真的要由衷献上感恩。我庆幸我的公司没有受到太大的影响,很多公司裁员,我们偏偏还聘请人。我们的薪水照样加,我们的Bonus照样拿。我想,我要感恩自己在食品公司(面粉厂)上班,庆幸自己是Food Technologist,只要还有人吃面包、吃面、吃饼干。。。我们就不会倒。 可是我想不应该高兴得太早,很多事其实就很难去预料。



January 04, 2009



其实我最爱回忆的往事是学生时代的青涉岁月,无忧无虑,好多欢笑。学生时代好像都没有什么好后悔的事,除了我选择念理科之外。其实,都不是我选的,马来西亚的教育制度怎么那么怪,拿很多个A就非要选读理科不可吗?我觉得我没有很适合念理科,因为我现在希望自己是一位Accountant远远多于自己是埋在实验室里苦干的Food Technologist。可是我觉得自己又很矛盾,从Form 4开始念理科一直到Form 6,再到大学。。。我才有机会结识到所谓‘怪胎’的同学朋友,陪我一起走到今天。严格来讲,我好像又没有很后悔念理科。




January 01, 2009



  1. 我的家人朋友,身边的人包括我自己,身体健康,快乐多一点,伤心少一点。
  2. 我在事业上尝试不一样的东西,希望自己的technical知识能提升。
  3. 继续背包旅行,继续流浪到不同的国度。
  4. 脸上的青春痘不要再长出来了。
  5. 胆固醇指数可以下降到正常的水平。(不要怀疑,我真是是高胆固一族!)
  6. 自己不会上瘾玩facebook, 我刚刚加入成为FB的大家庭(是有点落伍 ^_^),恐怖看见到那么多火热分子。
  7. 油价不要上升,物价一定要降低,世界的经济可以赶快复苏。
  8. 开始做运动(去年的愿望),我给自己一年的藉口了。
  9. 利百佳可以预见她的以撒。
  10. 自己是合神心意的孩子,继续进步、继续变得更好,一辈子都要荣耀神。

祝大家新年快乐... a very blessed year ahead.