December 24, 2008


Yeah… this is a season of giving again. We do not have chance to experience a white Christmas in Malaysia, however we did experience a rainy, gloomy but yet still a warm Christmas this year.

During this season, I think the most enjoyable thing I anticipate is the feeling of unwrap the gift and find out what is enclosed.

I just celebrated my Christmas Eve with around 50 of my church mates in Siaw Hui’s place. We sang, we played games, we exchanged gift, we ate a lot of foodsss… can you imagine that… 50 ppl went and everybody brought 1 type of food, so the consequence was we really couldn’t finish all the food although we had tried our very best. However, the Japanese Tofu I prepared was very ‘laku’ and it was finished. Yummy…!!

Should I say we celebrated Christmas Eve together yet we ended the party before 12 midnight? Haha!!

Oppss... I forgot to bring my camera, so no pictures to share, very sorry.

This is the Christmas gift I got… I simply like it.

Merry Christmas to everyone… may God bless you with the gift of His perfect peace this Christmas and a sense of His presence in your heart everyday. Cheers!!

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